
Help for Ukraine and Ukrainians affected by Russia’s War with Ukraine – How You Can Help

Practical Help for Ukraine and Ukrainians affected by Russia’s War with Ukraine

Many people in the U.K.who are appalled by the war Russia is wreaking on Ukraine, and the resulting human impact want to help, and a lot of Kimberley residents will already be providing financial support to charities, food and clothing donations and offers of accommodation.

It’s not always clear what the best things we can do are, so here are some suggestions of how we can help, the first link is from the Ukrainian Institute outlining how Ukrainians tell what they need.

Ukraninan Institute Recommendations – covers a range of suggestions including Donations, Defence Donations, Support for Reporting, Help for Refugees in UK, Volunteering, Demonstations as well as further information

In addition, there are well established UK based charities and Government agencies that are providing support for people involved in the crisis, to which you can donate:

UK Disasters Emergency Committee (

Donate to Ukraine Children Now via Save the Children UK

Donate to DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal via Oxfam GB

Donate to UK for UNHCR (

Or go to JustGiving and search for Ukraine