
Kimberley Precinct – Car Parking Charges

Residents please note there has been a change to the car parking arrangements at the Precinct Car Park in Kimberley.

The first 90 minutes are free, however, after that parking is chargeable. If you want to stay longer download the Ringo app (it’s the same one used in the centre of Nottingham) and pay for parking.

If you stay longer than 90 minutes without paying in advance you are likely to incur a penalty charge from the car park owner.

There are plenty of signs indicating this but they are small and may not be obvious to previous regular users of the car park.

Precinct Car Park Sign
New Precinct Car Park Signs


Please be aware the precinct and car park are privately owned so the Town Council or Broxtowe Borough Council have no influence over the parking arrangements or charges in the Precinct.




2 thoughts on “Kimberley Precinct – Car Parking Charges

  1. Please BE AWARE PEOPLE this is a fine from Kimberley shopping precinct. Date of alleged offence 22nd June 2021. I never park that long there.

    Luckily I have Google timeline and location on my phone to look back on and have sent an appeal with my screenshot attached but unsure whether these will be accepted or not. If not they can take me to court and I will fight.
    I visited on 2 separate occasions on the 22nd June 2021 bit apparently they only got me going in and coming out once????πŸ€”

    How many people have they done this to??? And how many do not have proof that they wasn’t there that long. This is diabolical and so unfair Β£60??? Or Β£100 if can’t pay within 14 days.

    This is my appeal statement:

    I never park in this car park for long. On the 22nd June 2021 I visited Iceland in Nuthall and left there at 14.12. I went to wilkos and sainsbury parking in said carpark from 14.20-14.30. I drove home which takes 4 minutes and then went to collect my kids from school IN MY CAR which shows I was at kimberley Primary and nursery from 15.13-15.19. I went back home IN MY CAR then at 17.28 went back down to heron till 17.40.
    My evidence is pictures of my Google timeline which shows where I was and from what time and when I was driving. This all contradicts you photo evidence of me being parked there for so long.
    I can go to the school and get evidence that I collect my children in car if you would like.

    I visited this car park twice that day BUT was NOT parked there for the whole 3+ hours.

    1. Hi,
      I’m afraid the car park is privately owned and managed, so the town council isn’t able to help with this situation, apart from advising you to follow this up with the organisation that manages the car park. Hopefully they will be helpful in dealing with your challenge.

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